Monday, June 8, 2009


Click to enlarge

MAN! I have not gotten back on to the wagon. That thing is racing at a million miles an hour and I'm holding on, but I still have to swing my legs up. Thanks for continuing to visit Jelly and Toast, I hope that you still enjoy your experience here, possibly even enough to send someone a link or post your own if you have a site. I'd love to see what you are doing too, if you have a blog, or art or writing, anything really! Leave a comment, or send me an e mail! I think my e mail's on here somewhere.

Also, I am having some issues with my computador, so I have to take it in today to try and get that stuff straightened out. I am getting back on track to post everyday, but my computer is having issues. It's true! I'm not lying!

Don't forget to check out our Facebook page (and become a fan of course). Also, see our trajectory in our continuing battle for fans against Kristen Kerr. Nothing personal KK, just having a lil' fun.

Thanks for looking!

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